Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Seedless fruit sucks! Genesis 1:29
Trisodiumphosphate isnt a food, its a cleaner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tri-sodium phosphate is a highly water-soluble ionic salt. Do you object to all ionized salts? All salts?

Many consumable substances can be corrosive (which is how cleaning materials work; they corrode), even natural substances. Orange juice, for instance, can dissolve nails, but only if the nail is left emersed in the orange juice for an extended period of time. The digestive process occurs so quickly that these substances are rendered innocuous before they cause any damage.

How do you know that tri-sodium phosphate isn't another such substance? Where is the evidence that tri-sodium phosphate is damaging? How do you know that you are not merely reacting to the word "cleaner" as a buzz-word? Why tri-sodium phosphate as opposed to high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils?

And why aren't commentor names capitalized?

Just wondering. :D


25 January, 2006  

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