Thursday, February 23, 2006


Its a choice. I choose to believe. We sometimes forget how little of what we "know" is actually concrete. What I "know" is what I choose to accept.
Im not going to let outside influences decide what I believe at the core. If I did, my core would reflect the integrity of my surroundings, constantly changing what I am at the center.
I need very little evidence to continue believing as i do, anything to the contrary I will ignore because this is my choice and im sticking to it. Price shopping after the buy an unhappy shopper doth make.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Those who intentionally offend the basest of sensitivities

May you lose the capacity to communicate.
Those who speak for the sake of "Shock value" stop speaking.
Why offend? You must want to be heard, to have impact (awww.... thats sad) and you cant think of any easier way to manipulate the emotions of others than to offend. Its manipulation you know, if you didnt think it would cause them to feel-you wouldnt have said it.
So you speak not because you have anything important to say but just because you want to have an effect. I know this because I have done it.
People swear for the same reason. Thats why there arent words to replace those, its not the word itself or its meaning, its the effect that you cant replace. You swear because it offends, it even offends you and if it wears off you will come up with some disgusting combination to take its place.
"Emotion is the heat on the brand of your memory" -Me
If you intentionally cause me to feel emotion thats manipulating. What are you trying to get? What do you want? Whats your motive? If your reason for getting my attention is just because you want attention find something better to do.
A lot of entertainment plays on this. An intentional attack on the sensitivities of its viewers. Show you something that you hold sacred and then destroy it. We judge the value of our entertainment by its emotional effect. Emotional effect can be good, with purpose. When something plays on the strings of my heart I should step back and say "OK, you have my attention. Now where are you trying to take me? Im listening, Now... why?"
Todays revolution is against pointless emotional manipulation.
We should engender in ourselves sensitivity to the beauty of life. Hold it sacred. Our souls should cry out in revolt when we witness the debasing of these virtues. Our heart can become calloused with constant abrasion, you wont feel anymore.
Indurated Pericardium
I never thought id use that.
Im as guilty as most anyone else, I revolt against that part of myself. Get thee hence!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Honest day

Brutally honest, the kind of day when you say what you have always muttered under your breath. Liberating? YES! Imprisoning? ......that too. You can always change your mind if you dont speak. I suppose I can change my mind anytime, but i have too much pride for that. No, once I've spoken, thats it no turning back now. Its been said and i convince myself that sticking to it is a matter of integrity, its not. It has little to do with integrity, it has more to do with thinking that im right all the time.
I felt a surplus of that today. I woke up sure that i was right, about what? it didnt matter i just started looking till i found it.
"You are trying to manipulate me! You think I owe you something? One of these days youre gonna wake up and realize that no one owes you anything. When they serve you it isnt because they owe you, its out of the goodness of their heart! No one owes you anything!" It wasnt even 7:00 am yet and already I was off to a start. The 16 year old i take to school was trying to get a little more out of me. On most mornings I would have complied just to be kind, not today. I dont think he remembered i love him when he slammed the car door, i lost that battle.
Im posessive about my space, i dont have much. Pretty much my car is the closest thing i have to personal space. So I would like it to reflect what i would like my life to reflect(if that makes sense) I've been clear about this in the past. "Use my car, its always fine but dont leave things in it, dont junk it up" I said this months ago because i would loan it out crawl in and it would reflect the family lifestyle, felt like a disease or some kind of fungus. Sometimes it feels like its closing in on all sides, just trying to break me so that i can be assimilated into its construct. So I will sit in my car, where its clean.......well not clean, but if its dirty at least its my dirt.
So, back to stupid "honest day" remarks.
There was a candy bar wrapper on the floor in my car and some wood dohicky on my dashboard. I walked in the house displaying the wrapper like a dead rat by the tail. "Is this yours?" Mom replies "Oh im sorry" "I protest" walking away. Mistake, Mom was as tired as i was, I had crossed the line and for another moment forgotton that neither I nor the car would exist if she wasnt patient with me. It was my weakness on display not hers.
I spent the whole day like this, pretty self destructive really. It didnt feel like that when i was glorying in the fact that i was just saying what i always thought. I always thought i was right until I said it.